Thursday 29 September 2016

Introduction to Supply Chain Manajement

What is the Supply Chain Management and What Role in Business Strategy?

          Supply Chain Management is a systematic and strategic coordination of the traditional business functions within a company and across businesses within the supply chain for purposes of improving long-term performance of the company
Scope of Supply Chain Manajemen
The main activities included in the classification of supply Chain Management
  1. product development
  2.  procurement
  3.  planning and control
  4.  production
  5. distribution
Component Supply Chain Management
  1. Upstream Supply Chain
  2. Internal Supply Chain
  3. Downstream supply chain
Supply Chain Strategy
  1. Many Supplier
  2. Few Supplier
  3. Vertical Integration
  4. Kairetsu Network
  5. Virtual Company
Objectives Strategic Supply Chain Management
The purpose of supply chain management is to align demand and supply as effectively and efficiently as possible. The key issues in the supply chain manajemen
  1. Determining the appropriate level of outsourcing
  2. Managing the purchase / procurement of goods
  3. Managing suppliers
  4. Manage relationships with customers
  5. Identify problems and respond to problems
  6. quickly
  7. Managing the risks
To be able to win the market competition the supply chain should be able to provide products,
  1. Cheap
  2. Quality
  3. Timely
  4. Varies
Process Supply Chain Management
The process of supply chain management is the process when the product is made from raw, semi-finished products and finished products obtained, modified and sold through a wide range of facilities that are connected by a chain along the flow of products and materials.
Model Supply Chain Management
Indrajit and Djokopranoto (2002) explain the main actors who have an interest in the flow of goods can be developed a supply chain model, which is a plastic picture of the relationship chain of actorsthat can be shaped like a chain connected to one another
James A. and Mona J. Fitzsimmons (2006), the physical form of a product in the supply chain can be seen as a stage of materials processing value-added network, each of which is defined by the input supply, transformation and output material demand. The following chart given supply chain for goods
Challenges in Managing Supply Chain Management

According to Nyoman Pujawan (2005), there are challenges to be faced in managing their supply chains, namely:
1. The complexity of the structure of the supply chain
  • It involves many parties with different interests
  • Differences in language, time zone and culture among companies
2. Uncertaint
  • A. Uncertainty request
  • B. The uncertainty of supply: lead time delivery, price and quality of raw materials, etc.
  • C. Internal damage to the machine, the machine performance is not perfect, the uncertainty of the quality of production etc
Measuring Performance of Supply Chain Management
Schroeder said that measuring the performance of the supply chain is the first step towards improvement. An initial stages tha need to be defined and determined in order to achieve such improvements. Schroeder pointed out that in general, there are five important points that can be measured in performance of supply chain management, namely (Shcroeder, 2007):
  • Delivery
  • Quality
  • Time
  • Flexibility
  • Costs
Fueling Supply Chain
1. Inventory is all raw materials, in-process and items that have been completed.
  • Cycle inventory
  • Safety Inventory
  • Seasonal Inventory
2. Transportation is moving inventory from point to point within the supply chain.
3. The facilities are places in the supply chain network where inventory is stored,
  • Location
  • Capacity
  • Operation methodology
4. The information consists of data and analysis relating to inventory, transportation, facilities and customers throughout the supply chain. Information management presents a chance to make the supply chain more responsive and efficient. Information